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Oct 17, 2011

Are you an in-betweener

Are you an in-betweener? Inbetween good and great. in-between stagnating and growth, in-between walking and running, in-between not making a decision and making a decision.

When I was coaching international athletes the very worst place was 2nd or 1st loser. It was gutting not to get the gold. When you have had a taste you want more.

In business the worst place is in-between. In my experience so many businesses and so many business owners are stuck in-between not achieveing their business goals and achieving them. They haven't yet found the tipping point or reached the tipping point. They just keep on hoping it will show up.

So how do you move away from the in-between acid bath.  The answer to this is a one word answer - DECIDE!  Decide that you want to move forward and then get on with it.  The single greatest mental blockage is the ability to decide.  To many people are scared to make a decision because when they usually do things dont work out for them.  In fact they carry out a self-fulfilling prophecy because when they make a decision they immediately go to the negative about the outcome - therefore make a proactive positive decision becames a hindrance. 

Typical negative thoughts are - it will be to hard, cost to much, haven't got enough resources, to many other people are doing it, my staff wont buy in, a meteor will hit the earth or a flying pig will land on my head and kill me.

The in-betweeners dilemma - to go forward or stay behind or make myself a nice little comfort zone in the middle.

As a peak performance coach there is only one answer 'decide to go forward and stop being an in-betweener'!

HOW? 5 little words!

Clarity - be clear about what you want to move forward to and only see the proactive positive picture.
Specificty - write down the specifics of what you see in your mind as you go forward including the positive things that will happen to you.
Capability - value your own personal capabilities and then decide on what capabilities you need to source through coaches, contractors and specialists. Everything is out there you just need to identify it and ask for it. Sure it might cost you money but that is what budgets and forecasts are for.
Simplicity - whatever you do make sure it is simple - no sophistication or complexity. The basics work. Keep in mind that 'excellence is doing the basics everyday all day in every way'
Discipline - there is no escaping this one and ultimately this is the one that can trip you up. Discipline means staying on task - or being a disciplie to the plan. To stay disciplined ask this question regularly - "is what I am doing a return on investment activity or a distraction?" If it is a distraction get more discipline and stay on task. Set your plan and follow it.

 NO MORE IN-BETWEEN  - Peak Performers are never in-between they are always moving forward sometimes slowly and sometimes fast but they never stagnate - they make a decisions and then get to work.

 You can to and be winner. Mind-set + Activity + Persistence

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